7 days

Everyone has 24 hours. It is up to you how you’ll spend it and what you’ll focus on. Here’s a week of strengthening your core, psychologically.

The point is to strengthen you, so try to do as much as you can alone for a week (except on day 7). And if you’re an introvert, who actually enjoys being alone, then try to go outside your own box and be on days 1-7 among people.

Think of the body as a ring one might own: the outside might be in turbulence, but the inside is calm. Or like in a hurricane, where the center is tranquil, while there’s a storm going on.

Sounds like meditation, but let’s go deeper.

Day 1. Have lunch alone in a restaurant / Get a group of people and have lunch in a restaurant

Day 2. Wake up at 5am, just because. Try to live A DAY 5AM Club -style

Day 3. Take a walk about 45min while listening to a playlist

Day 4. Do a crossword puzzle and try to do some sort of mathematical puzzle as well

Day 5. Yoga / deep streches

Day 6. Focus on the things that are not comfortable

Day 7. Go to coffees with a friend and make a vision board

X Johanna

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